Dear Mom - Letters to Heaven

Thursday, September 10, 2009

This is the Truth

The public insurance option has become a lightening rod for Republicans, hate radio jocks, Fox News, the Wall Street Journal's editorial page, and lobbyists for the health-industrial complex who accuse the White House and Democrats of planning a "government takeover" of health care. - That's the lie....

Here's the Truth -

A public insurance option is essential to control healthcare costs
A public insurance option is essential to control healthcare costs
A public insurance option is essential to control healthcare costs
A public insurance option is essential to control healthcare costs
A public insurance option is essential to control healthcare costs
A public insurance option is essential to control healthcare costs

Here's the Truth -

For profit insurance companies face little to no competition
For profit insurance companies face little to no competition
For profit insurance companies face little to no competition
For profit insurance companies face little to no competition
For profit insurance companies face little to no competition
For profit insurance companies face little to no competition
For profit insurance companies face little to no competition

Only competition from a public insurance option will force them to lower costs

Only competition from a public insurance option will force them to lower costs

Only competition from a public insurance option will force them to lower costs

Only competition from a public insurance option will force them to lower costs

Republicans are protecting the insurance companies
Republicans are protecting the insurance companies
Republicans are protecting the insurance companies
Republicans are protecting the insurance companies
Republicans are protecting the insurance companies
Republicans are protecting the insurance companies

The insurance companies milk the healthy and rape the sick
The insurance companies milk the healthy and rape the sick
The insurance companies milk the healthy and rape the sick
The insurance companies milk the healthy and rape the sick
The insurance companies milk the healthy and rape the sick
The insurance companies milk the healthy and rape the sick
The insurance companies milk the healthy and rape the sick

A nationwide public insurance option would have the scale (a huge pool of applicants nationwide) and authority to negotiate lower rates with drug companies and healthcare providers, thereby pushing private insurers to do the same.

It's simple economies of scale and the benefit of competition which the "free market" Republicans are supposed to stand for....their true colors are to protect the insurance company monopolies and the status quo as they rape the sick and elderly.

Not supporting the public option is kicking the sick to the curb, letting them go up in bankruptcy flames as they pay huge out of pocket costs while dying of cancer.

It's wrong across the board - and against all the tenants of Christianity the very same Christianity that our morally bankrupt politicians trot out to get elected.

It's not only un-American, it's cruel, and pure evil to let the current monopolies stand.

What do you think is right protecting a hard working tax payer who has now become sick and unemployed from cancer and facing insurmountable hospital bills or maintaining the current system that funnels millions of dollars to fat CEOs and the Politicians who represent their greed. The system as it stands is working overtime to provide them both in overabundance?

Kick the sick to the curb or level the playing field - where do you really stand?

For more in depth analysis go here

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