That this moment will never come again, is what makes life sweet.
~ Emily Dickinson
Activist, Author, Musician and Radio Personality Paul Burke DiMarco is the author of "Journey Home" by Paul Burke. "Dear Mom - Letters to Heaven" is his second book. PBDBooks and Music will also feature live rebroadcasts of his solo acoustic performances.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Leagalize It
Hemp and Pot could be an enormous source of revenue and hemp has the potential to be used for paper and fuel. Don't think "culture wars" and take a stance based on pre-conceived notions.
Hemp was a bedrock product of the industrial revolution and it got put out of business just like the old trolley cars. Hemp needs to be legalized the THC can be taken out of it. As for marijuana didn't Al Capone teach us that prohibition doesn't work and only benefits criminals?
Why don't we get that enormous sea of cash back into the mainstream and generate a much needed sin tax. Congress Should End Tax Breaks for Polluters, and Invest in the Green Economy in more ways than one. Unless you like the idea of all that cash flowing out of our borders to Columbia and Mexico and don't think it could be put to better use here at home.
Any eighth grader can get his or her hands on pot but even still we aren't awash in it and some drugged out society - legalize it - educate people about it - de-stigmatize it and I guarantee you use will go down.
It's just not that big of a deal and us acting like it is creates a huge lost opportunity and a gross mis-management of a potential positive that could bring down our prison population, decrease our gun violence, decrease our emergency room and health care costs and increase our tax revenues as well as save our forests and decrease our dependence on foreign oil.
Uses for Hemp
More Info on the Economic Recovery and Hemp
Storm-water runoff causes a majority of the closures and swimming advisories issued at beaches. A new bill has just been introduced to Congress that will promote green solutions to storm-water runoff. Take action - here:
Last weekend, half a million gallons of oil spilled into the Sabine-Naches waterway in Texas when a tug and a tanker collided. Speak Up!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Democracy in America Is a Useful Fiction
This is a great article, strong medicine, and a repost.
Democracy in America Is a Useful Fiction
Posted on Jan 24, 2010
By Chris Hedges
Corporate forces, long before the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, carried out a coup d’état in slow motion. The coup is over. We lost. The ruling is one more judicial effort to streamline mechanisms for corporate control. It exposes the myth of a functioning democracy and the triumph of corporate power. But it does not significantly alter the political landscape. The corporate state is firmly cemented in place.
The fiction of democracy remains useful, not only for corporations, but for our bankrupt liberal class. If the fiction is seriously challenged, liberals will be forced to consider actual resistance, which will be neither pleasant nor easy. As long as a democratic facade exists, liberals can engage in an empty moral posturing that requires little sacrifice or commitment. They can be the self-appointed scolds of the Democratic Party, acting as if they are part of the debate and feel vindicated by their cries of protest.
Much of the outrage expressed about the court’s ruling is the outrage of those who prefer this choreographed charade. As long as the charade is played, they do not have to consider how to combat what the political philosopher Sheldon Wolin calls our system of “inverted totalitarianism.”
Inverted totalitarianism represents “the political coming of age of corporate power and the political demobilization of the citizenry,” Wolin writes in “Democracy Incorporated.” Inverted totalitarianism differs from classical forms of totalitarianism, which revolve around a demagogue or charismatic leader, and finds its expression in the anonymity of the corporate state. The corporate forces behind inverted totalitarianism do not, as classical totalitarian movements do, boast of replacing decaying structures with a new, revolutionary structure. They purport to honor electoral politics, freedom and the Constitution. But they so corrupt and manipulate the levers of power as to make democracy impossible.
Inverted totalitarianism is not conceptualized as an ideology or objectified in public policy. It is furthered by “power-holders and citizens who often seem unaware of the deeper consequences of their actions or inactions,” Wolin writes. But it is as dangerous as classical forms of totalitarianism. In a system of inverted totalitarianism, as this court ruling illustrates, it is not necessary to rewrite the Constitution, as fascist and communist regimes do. It is enough to exploit legitimate power by means of judicial and legislative interpretation. This exploitation ensures that huge corporate campaign contributions are protected speech under the First Amendment. It ensures that heavily financed and organized lobbying by large corporations is interpreted as an application of the people’s right to petition the government. The court again ratified the concept that corporations are persons, except in those cases where the “persons” agree to a “settlement.” Those within corporations who commit crimes can avoid going to prison by paying large sums of money to the government while, according to this twisted judicial reasoning, not “admitting any wrongdoing.” There is a word for this. It is called corruption.

Corporations have 35,000 lobbyists in Washington and thousands more in state capitals that dole out corporate money to shape and write legislation. They use their political action committees to solicit employees and shareholders for donations to fund pliable candidates. The financial sector, for example, spent more than $5 billion on political campaigns, influence peddling and lobbying during the past decade, which resulted in sweeping deregulation, the gouging of consumers, our global financial meltdown and the subsequent looting of the U.S. Treasury. The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America spent $26 million last year and drug companies such as Pfizer, Amgen and Eli Lilly kicked in tens of millions more to buy off the two parties. These corporations have made sure our so-called health reform bill will force us to buy their predatory and defective products. The oil and gas industry, the coal industry, defense contractors and telecommunications companies have thwarted the drive for sustainable energy and orchestrated the steady erosion of civil liberties. Politicians do corporate bidding and stage hollow acts of political theater to keep the fiction of the democratic state alive.
There is no national institution left that can accurately be described as democratic. Citizens, rather than participate in power, are allowed to have virtual opinions to preordained questions, a kind of participatory fascism as meaningless as voting on “American Idol.” Mass emotions are directed toward the raging culture wars. This allows us to take emotional stands on issues that are inconsequential to the power elite.
Our transformation into an empire, as happened in ancient Athens and Rome, has seen the tyranny we practice abroad become the tyranny we practice at home. We, like all empires, have been eviscerated by our own expansionism. We utilize weapons of horrific destructive power, subsidize their development with billions in taxpayer dollars, and are the world’s largest arms dealer. And the Constitution, as Wolin notes, is “conscripted to serve as power’s apprentice rather than its conscience.”
“Inverted totalitarianism reverses things,” Wolin writes. “It is politics all of the time but a politics largely untempered by the political. Party squabbles are occasionally on public display, and there is a frantic and continuous politics among factions of the party, interest groups, competing corporate powers, and rival media concerns. And there is, of course, the culminating moment of national elections when the attention of the nation is required to make a choice of personalities rather than a choice between alternatives. What is absent is the political, the commitment to finding where the common good lies amidst the welter of well-financed, highly organized, single-minded interests rabidly seeking governmental favors and overwhelming the practices of representative government and public administration by a sea of cash.”
Hollywood, the news industry and television, all corporate controlled, have become instruments of inverted totalitarianism. They censor or ridicule those who critique or challenge corporate structures and assumptions. They saturate the airwaves with manufactured controversy, whether it is Tiger Woods or the dispute between Jay Leno and Conan O’Brien. They manipulate images to make us confuse how we are made to feel with knowledge, which is how Barack Obama became president. And the draconian internal control employed by the Department of Homeland Security, the military and the police over any form of popular dissent, coupled with the corporate media’s censorship, does for inverted totalitarianism what thugs and bonfires of books do in classical totalitarian regimes.
“It seems a replay of historical experience that the bias displayed by today’s media should be aimed consistently at the shredded remains of liberalism,” Wolin writes. “Recall that an element common to most 20th century totalitarianism, whether Fascist or Stalinist, was hostility towards the left. In the United States, the left is assumed to consist solely of liberals, occasionally of ‘the left wing of the Democratic Party,’ never of democrats.”
Liberals, socialists, trade unionists, independent journalists and intellectuals, many of whom were once important voices in our society, have been silenced or targeted for elimination within corporate-controlled academia, the media and government. Wolin, who taught at Berkeley and later at Princeton, is arguably the country’s foremost political philosopher. And yet his book was virtually ignored. This is also why Ralph Nader, Dennis Kucinich and Cynthia McKinney, along with intellectuals like Noam Chomsky, are not given a part in our national discourse.
The uniformity of opinion is reinforced by the skillfully orchestrated mass emotions of nationalism and patriotism, which paints all dissidents as “soft” or “unpatriotic.” The “patriotic” citizen, plagued by fear of job losses and possible terrorist attacks, unfailingly supports widespread surveillance and the militarized state. This means no questioning of the $1 trillion in defense-related spending. It means that the military and intelligence agencies are held above government, as if somehow they are not part of government. The most powerful instruments of state power and control are effectively removed from public discussion. We, as imperial citizens, are taught to be contemptuous of government bureaucracy, yet we stand like sheep before Homeland Security agents in airports and are mute when Congress permits our private correspondence and conversations to be monitored and archived. We endure more state control than at any time in American history.
The civic, patriotic and political language we use to describe ourselves remains unchanged. We pay fealty to the same national symbols and iconography. We find our collective identity in the same national myths. We continue to deify the Founding Fathers. But the America we celebrate is an illusion. It does not exist. Our government and judiciary have no real sovereignty. Our press provides diversion, not information. Our organs of security and power keep us as domesticated and as fearful as most Iraqis. Capitalism, as Karl Marx understood, when it emasculates government, becomes a revolutionary force. And this revolutionary force, best described as inverted totalitarianism, is plunging us into a state of neo-feudalism, perpetual war and severe repression. The Supreme Court decision is part of our transformation by the corporate state from citizens to prisoners.
Chris Hedges, a Pulitzer Prize-winning correspondent, writes a column published every Monday on Truthdig. His latest book is “Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle.”
Link to the article here and above - the comment section is good and open for opinion
Democracy in America Is a Useful Fiction
Posted on Jan 24, 2010
By Chris Hedges
Corporate forces, long before the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, carried out a coup d’état in slow motion. The coup is over. We lost. The ruling is one more judicial effort to streamline mechanisms for corporate control. It exposes the myth of a functioning democracy and the triumph of corporate power. But it does not significantly alter the political landscape. The corporate state is firmly cemented in place.
The fiction of democracy remains useful, not only for corporations, but for our bankrupt liberal class. If the fiction is seriously challenged, liberals will be forced to consider actual resistance, which will be neither pleasant nor easy. As long as a democratic facade exists, liberals can engage in an empty moral posturing that requires little sacrifice or commitment. They can be the self-appointed scolds of the Democratic Party, acting as if they are part of the debate and feel vindicated by their cries of protest.
Much of the outrage expressed about the court’s ruling is the outrage of those who prefer this choreographed charade. As long as the charade is played, they do not have to consider how to combat what the political philosopher Sheldon Wolin calls our system of “inverted totalitarianism.”
Inverted totalitarianism represents “the political coming of age of corporate power and the political demobilization of the citizenry,” Wolin writes in “Democracy Incorporated.” Inverted totalitarianism differs from classical forms of totalitarianism, which revolve around a demagogue or charismatic leader, and finds its expression in the anonymity of the corporate state. The corporate forces behind inverted totalitarianism do not, as classical totalitarian movements do, boast of replacing decaying structures with a new, revolutionary structure. They purport to honor electoral politics, freedom and the Constitution. But they so corrupt and manipulate the levers of power as to make democracy impossible.
Inverted totalitarianism is not conceptualized as an ideology or objectified in public policy. It is furthered by “power-holders and citizens who often seem unaware of the deeper consequences of their actions or inactions,” Wolin writes. But it is as dangerous as classical forms of totalitarianism. In a system of inverted totalitarianism, as this court ruling illustrates, it is not necessary to rewrite the Constitution, as fascist and communist regimes do. It is enough to exploit legitimate power by means of judicial and legislative interpretation. This exploitation ensures that huge corporate campaign contributions are protected speech under the First Amendment. It ensures that heavily financed and organized lobbying by large corporations is interpreted as an application of the people’s right to petition the government. The court again ratified the concept that corporations are persons, except in those cases where the “persons” agree to a “settlement.” Those within corporations who commit crimes can avoid going to prison by paying large sums of money to the government while, according to this twisted judicial reasoning, not “admitting any wrongdoing.” There is a word for this. It is called corruption.

Corporations have 35,000 lobbyists in Washington and thousands more in state capitals that dole out corporate money to shape and write legislation. They use their political action committees to solicit employees and shareholders for donations to fund pliable candidates. The financial sector, for example, spent more than $5 billion on political campaigns, influence peddling and lobbying during the past decade, which resulted in sweeping deregulation, the gouging of consumers, our global financial meltdown and the subsequent looting of the U.S. Treasury. The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America spent $26 million last year and drug companies such as Pfizer, Amgen and Eli Lilly kicked in tens of millions more to buy off the two parties. These corporations have made sure our so-called health reform bill will force us to buy their predatory and defective products. The oil and gas industry, the coal industry, defense contractors and telecommunications companies have thwarted the drive for sustainable energy and orchestrated the steady erosion of civil liberties. Politicians do corporate bidding and stage hollow acts of political theater to keep the fiction of the democratic state alive.
There is no national institution left that can accurately be described as democratic. Citizens, rather than participate in power, are allowed to have virtual opinions to preordained questions, a kind of participatory fascism as meaningless as voting on “American Idol.” Mass emotions are directed toward the raging culture wars. This allows us to take emotional stands on issues that are inconsequential to the power elite.
Our transformation into an empire, as happened in ancient Athens and Rome, has seen the tyranny we practice abroad become the tyranny we practice at home. We, like all empires, have been eviscerated by our own expansionism. We utilize weapons of horrific destructive power, subsidize their development with billions in taxpayer dollars, and are the world’s largest arms dealer. And the Constitution, as Wolin notes, is “conscripted to serve as power’s apprentice rather than its conscience.”
“Inverted totalitarianism reverses things,” Wolin writes. “It is politics all of the time but a politics largely untempered by the political. Party squabbles are occasionally on public display, and there is a frantic and continuous politics among factions of the party, interest groups, competing corporate powers, and rival media concerns. And there is, of course, the culminating moment of national elections when the attention of the nation is required to make a choice of personalities rather than a choice between alternatives. What is absent is the political, the commitment to finding where the common good lies amidst the welter of well-financed, highly organized, single-minded interests rabidly seeking governmental favors and overwhelming the practices of representative government and public administration by a sea of cash.”
Hollywood, the news industry and television, all corporate controlled, have become instruments of inverted totalitarianism. They censor or ridicule those who critique or challenge corporate structures and assumptions. They saturate the airwaves with manufactured controversy, whether it is Tiger Woods or the dispute between Jay Leno and Conan O’Brien. They manipulate images to make us confuse how we are made to feel with knowledge, which is how Barack Obama became president. And the draconian internal control employed by the Department of Homeland Security, the military and the police over any form of popular dissent, coupled with the corporate media’s censorship, does for inverted totalitarianism what thugs and bonfires of books do in classical totalitarian regimes.
“It seems a replay of historical experience that the bias displayed by today’s media should be aimed consistently at the shredded remains of liberalism,” Wolin writes. “Recall that an element common to most 20th century totalitarianism, whether Fascist or Stalinist, was hostility towards the left. In the United States, the left is assumed to consist solely of liberals, occasionally of ‘the left wing of the Democratic Party,’ never of democrats.”
Liberals, socialists, trade unionists, independent journalists and intellectuals, many of whom were once important voices in our society, have been silenced or targeted for elimination within corporate-controlled academia, the media and government. Wolin, who taught at Berkeley and later at Princeton, is arguably the country’s foremost political philosopher. And yet his book was virtually ignored. This is also why Ralph Nader, Dennis Kucinich and Cynthia McKinney, along with intellectuals like Noam Chomsky, are not given a part in our national discourse.
The uniformity of opinion is reinforced by the skillfully orchestrated mass emotions of nationalism and patriotism, which paints all dissidents as “soft” or “unpatriotic.” The “patriotic” citizen, plagued by fear of job losses and possible terrorist attacks, unfailingly supports widespread surveillance and the militarized state. This means no questioning of the $1 trillion in defense-related spending. It means that the military and intelligence agencies are held above government, as if somehow they are not part of government. The most powerful instruments of state power and control are effectively removed from public discussion. We, as imperial citizens, are taught to be contemptuous of government bureaucracy, yet we stand like sheep before Homeland Security agents in airports and are mute when Congress permits our private correspondence and conversations to be monitored and archived. We endure more state control than at any time in American history.
The civic, patriotic and political language we use to describe ourselves remains unchanged. We pay fealty to the same national symbols and iconography. We find our collective identity in the same national myths. We continue to deify the Founding Fathers. But the America we celebrate is an illusion. It does not exist. Our government and judiciary have no real sovereignty. Our press provides diversion, not information. Our organs of security and power keep us as domesticated and as fearful as most Iraqis. Capitalism, as Karl Marx understood, when it emasculates government, becomes a revolutionary force. And this revolutionary force, best described as inverted totalitarianism, is plunging us into a state of neo-feudalism, perpetual war and severe repression. The Supreme Court decision is part of our transformation by the corporate state from citizens to prisoners.
Chris Hedges, a Pulitzer Prize-winning correspondent, writes a column published every Monday on Truthdig. His latest book is “Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle.”
Link to the article here and above - the comment section is good and open for opinion
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
The Best Article on Health Care Reform I've Read!!!
This is a repost and a great read - spread the word and lambaste your representatives.
Mr. President, Here's A Healthcare Bill That Will Do More Than Yours Did, And Can Actually Pass - Marshall Auerback
Many people are lamenting the apparent death of the health care bill in the aftermath of Scott Brown’s election. They shouldn’t be. Congress and the President should use the opportunity to reconstruct a more sensible piece of legislation.
The Reconciliation Route
Senate Democrats, in particular, should not obsess about the number 60. The absence of a so-called super majority of Senators does not preclude the possibility of passing significant health care reform, even the approach is ultimately more piecemeal and incremental. There is still ample opportunity to implement legislation in the Senate via reconciliation (a parliamentary maneuver which allows legislation to pass with a simple majority vote). It’s more democratic: 2 or 3 Senators should not be able to hold an entire piece of legislation hostage to their own narrow political interests, as Senators Lieberman and Nelson, amongst others, were able to do under the previous legislation.
In response to the “incrementalists” Paul Krugman argues the difficulty of going the reconciliation route, noting that the procedure is basically limited to matters of taxing and spending, and so won’t address important aspects of reform like the ban on pre-existing conditions. What Krugman fails to recognize is that the current incarnation of the bill would have done nothing to stop the abusive practice of denial based on pre-existing conditions, as Yves Smith and I have previously highlighted.
Krugman also embraces the principle flaw inherent in the whole reform effort. Both the House AND Senate versions of the bill entrench the centrality of private health insurance companies. But health care, as L. Randall Wray and others have pointed out, is not a service that should be provided by private health insurance companies in the first place.
‘Game Changers’ and ‘Curve Benders’
Contrary to what the President suggested last week, bad salesmanship was not the main problem with this bill. There were lots of unattractive substantive elements, such as reductions in spending on Medicare to “pay” for the bill’s “reforms”; misconceived taxes on “Cadillac plans” to “reduce” health care costs and “fund” reform; a focus on costly end-of-life care (requiring “guidance” from an “independent group” outside of “normal political channels”), and a giant loophole on pre-existing conditions (which is why the 150,000-strong nurses union opposed the bill). All of this occurred against the backdrop of vague, incomprehensible talk by the President and his budget director, Peter Orszag, about “game changers” and curve-benders”, along with arguments that “we’re going to have to change how doctors think about health care and how patients think about health care”. Fine for a symposium debate, but this kind of talk will hardly ease the fears of the average voter, whose main concerns are: “Will I get coverage?” and “How much will it cost me personally?”
Remember the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) which was introduced almost as a footnote to Reagan’s tax reform bill of 1986? At the time, it seemed like a relatively small item, as the threshold for the AMT was set at a reasonably high level and it didn’t catch a lot of people initially. But of course, as time went on and incomes rose, more and more of the middle class got trapped by it.
The same thing would have almost certainly occurred in regard to the so-called “Cadillac tax” proposal to tax on high-cost health care premiums. Given that neither the House, nor the Senate, versions of the bill contained any serious proposals for cost containment, health insurance premiums likely would have continued to skyrocket, which would have likely guaranteed that more customers would be hit by the tax as time went on. It is hard to see how pricing disclosure via national exchanges would significantly change that element, especially given that the health insurance industry is an oligopoly dominated by a limited number of private companies, with no competition from a now-killed public option alternative. True, in the absence of any kind of reform, rising health insurance costs are still likely to remain a reality, but minus the punitive taxation provisions contained in the current bill, which would simply add to the problems of a highly stressed, debt-laden American consumer.
Insurance-dominated Health Care Doesn’t Work
Rapidly rising private health insurance costs have depressed American living standards over the past quarter-century. And an insurance-dominated health care program is a horrible way to construct an effective health care system: the benefits of extending health insurance coverage are almost certainly overstated and are not likely to make a major dent in our two comparative gaps: we spend far more than any other nation but do not obtain better outcomes and in important areas actually get worse results. Private health insurance, in fact, represents yet another facet of the ongoing financialization of our economy — credit default swaps, instruments to facilitate speculation in vital commodities such as energy and food, exotic home mortgage products — all of which enable Wall Street gamblers to speculate-and-profit on outcomes with no social benefit to the rest of us.
In addition to the huge rents extracted from the economy, private health insurance creates other problems. As L. Randall Wray has noted, your friendly health insurance company sells you a policy, and then denies your claim due to the existence of pre-existing conditions (of which you might have been totally unaware), or simply because denial is more profitable and you, as the aggrieved victim, are likely to lack the funds for a court battle. Bankruptcy is often the end result (according to Steffie Woolhandler, two-thirds of US bankruptcies are due to healthcare bills).
My proposal: use Senate reconciliation and expand Medicare via the Senate’s buy-in provisions. The CBO has already signed off on this as a means of saving money (”budget savings” is nonsensical concept, I know, but let’s go with it, as it provides the necessary political cover for what is essentially a budgetary procedure). More importantly, if more Americans can do a buy-in with Medicare, it creates more cost control (because there’s a genuine “public option” competitor). It also helps to solve the problems of pre-existing conditions, because Medicare does not deny coverage on this basis.
Allowing a Medicare buy-in to Americans under 65 would give people a genuine alternative to private insurance and thereby render the pre-existing question moot. It would also lower Medicare costs by expanding the risk pool of patients (the great bulk of medical expenses are accounted for by a small number of people, mostly the elderly, requiring very expensive treatment). And it would substantially enhance the global competitiveness of American corporations. After all, in what other country in the world is health care a marginal cost of production for business?
Towards Single Payer
A Medicare buy-in gets us closer to single payer, which control health care costs by cutting down on administrative complexity and making bargain with suppliers, especially drug companies, possible. This proposal would give American health care consumers far more bang for their buck than the current legislation, which looks set to go down in flames.
Yes, what I’m proposing is politically difficult. The financial reform bill efforts have already illustrated the potently of lobbying. But, as the festering populist reaction in Massachusetts demonstrates, the foes of reform can overreach and trigger a significant backlash. Hopefully, President Obama and his party will recognize this and mobilize current voter discontent. Scott Brown’s surprising election win has bloodied the Democrats, but one hopes that the President and his party recognize that, like Shakespeare’s Macbeth, they are
“in blood
Stepp’d in so far that, should I wade no more,
Returning were as tedious as go o’er.”
Time to cross the Rubicon, Mr. President!
Roosevelt Institute Braintruster Marshall Auerback is a market analyst and commentator.
Here's a link to the original article
Mr. President, Here's A Healthcare Bill That Will Do More Than Yours Did, And Can Actually Pass - Marshall Auerback
Many people are lamenting the apparent death of the health care bill in the aftermath of Scott Brown’s election. They shouldn’t be. Congress and the President should use the opportunity to reconstruct a more sensible piece of legislation.
The Reconciliation Route
Senate Democrats, in particular, should not obsess about the number 60. The absence of a so-called super majority of Senators does not preclude the possibility of passing significant health care reform, even the approach is ultimately more piecemeal and incremental. There is still ample opportunity to implement legislation in the Senate via reconciliation (a parliamentary maneuver which allows legislation to pass with a simple majority vote). It’s more democratic: 2 or 3 Senators should not be able to hold an entire piece of legislation hostage to their own narrow political interests, as Senators Lieberman and Nelson, amongst others, were able to do under the previous legislation.
In response to the “incrementalists” Paul Krugman argues the difficulty of going the reconciliation route, noting that the procedure is basically limited to matters of taxing and spending, and so won’t address important aspects of reform like the ban on pre-existing conditions. What Krugman fails to recognize is that the current incarnation of the bill would have done nothing to stop the abusive practice of denial based on pre-existing conditions, as Yves Smith and I have previously highlighted.
Krugman also embraces the principle flaw inherent in the whole reform effort. Both the House AND Senate versions of the bill entrench the centrality of private health insurance companies. But health care, as L. Randall Wray and others have pointed out, is not a service that should be provided by private health insurance companies in the first place.
‘Game Changers’ and ‘Curve Benders’
Contrary to what the President suggested last week, bad salesmanship was not the main problem with this bill. There were lots of unattractive substantive elements, such as reductions in spending on Medicare to “pay” for the bill’s “reforms”; misconceived taxes on “Cadillac plans” to “reduce” health care costs and “fund” reform; a focus on costly end-of-life care (requiring “guidance” from an “independent group” outside of “normal political channels”), and a giant loophole on pre-existing conditions (which is why the 150,000-strong nurses union opposed the bill). All of this occurred against the backdrop of vague, incomprehensible talk by the President and his budget director, Peter Orszag, about “game changers” and curve-benders”, along with arguments that “we’re going to have to change how doctors think about health care and how patients think about health care”. Fine for a symposium debate, but this kind of talk will hardly ease the fears of the average voter, whose main concerns are: “Will I get coverage?” and “How much will it cost me personally?”
Remember the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) which was introduced almost as a footnote to Reagan’s tax reform bill of 1986? At the time, it seemed like a relatively small item, as the threshold for the AMT was set at a reasonably high level and it didn’t catch a lot of people initially. But of course, as time went on and incomes rose, more and more of the middle class got trapped by it.
The same thing would have almost certainly occurred in regard to the so-called “Cadillac tax” proposal to tax on high-cost health care premiums. Given that neither the House, nor the Senate, versions of the bill contained any serious proposals for cost containment, health insurance premiums likely would have continued to skyrocket, which would have likely guaranteed that more customers would be hit by the tax as time went on. It is hard to see how pricing disclosure via national exchanges would significantly change that element, especially given that the health insurance industry is an oligopoly dominated by a limited number of private companies, with no competition from a now-killed public option alternative. True, in the absence of any kind of reform, rising health insurance costs are still likely to remain a reality, but minus the punitive taxation provisions contained in the current bill, which would simply add to the problems of a highly stressed, debt-laden American consumer.
Insurance-dominated Health Care Doesn’t Work
Rapidly rising private health insurance costs have depressed American living standards over the past quarter-century. And an insurance-dominated health care program is a horrible way to construct an effective health care system: the benefits of extending health insurance coverage are almost certainly overstated and are not likely to make a major dent in our two comparative gaps: we spend far more than any other nation but do not obtain better outcomes and in important areas actually get worse results. Private health insurance, in fact, represents yet another facet of the ongoing financialization of our economy — credit default swaps, instruments to facilitate speculation in vital commodities such as energy and food, exotic home mortgage products — all of which enable Wall Street gamblers to speculate-and-profit on outcomes with no social benefit to the rest of us.
In addition to the huge rents extracted from the economy, private health insurance creates other problems. As L. Randall Wray has noted, your friendly health insurance company sells you a policy, and then denies your claim due to the existence of pre-existing conditions (of which you might have been totally unaware), or simply because denial is more profitable and you, as the aggrieved victim, are likely to lack the funds for a court battle. Bankruptcy is often the end result (according to Steffie Woolhandler, two-thirds of US bankruptcies are due to healthcare bills).
My proposal: use Senate reconciliation and expand Medicare via the Senate’s buy-in provisions. The CBO has already signed off on this as a means of saving money (”budget savings” is nonsensical concept, I know, but let’s go with it, as it provides the necessary political cover for what is essentially a budgetary procedure). More importantly, if more Americans can do a buy-in with Medicare, it creates more cost control (because there’s a genuine “public option” competitor). It also helps to solve the problems of pre-existing conditions, because Medicare does not deny coverage on this basis.
Allowing a Medicare buy-in to Americans under 65 would give people a genuine alternative to private insurance and thereby render the pre-existing question moot. It would also lower Medicare costs by expanding the risk pool of patients (the great bulk of medical expenses are accounted for by a small number of people, mostly the elderly, requiring very expensive treatment). And it would substantially enhance the global competitiveness of American corporations. After all, in what other country in the world is health care a marginal cost of production for business?
Towards Single Payer
A Medicare buy-in gets us closer to single payer, which control health care costs by cutting down on administrative complexity and making bargain with suppliers, especially drug companies, possible. This proposal would give American health care consumers far more bang for their buck than the current legislation, which looks set to go down in flames.
Yes, what I’m proposing is politically difficult. The financial reform bill efforts have already illustrated the potently of lobbying. But, as the festering populist reaction in Massachusetts demonstrates, the foes of reform can overreach and trigger a significant backlash. Hopefully, President Obama and his party will recognize this and mobilize current voter discontent. Scott Brown’s surprising election win has bloodied the Democrats, but one hopes that the President and his party recognize that, like Shakespeare’s Macbeth, they are
“in blood
Stepp’d in so far that, should I wade no more,
Returning were as tedious as go o’er.”
Time to cross the Rubicon, Mr. President!
Roosevelt Institute Braintruster Marshall Auerback is a market analyst and commentator.
Here's a link to the original article
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
All products that contribute to our ill health, pesticides, processed food and drink, cigarettes and alcohol SHOULD be taxed through the roof. People who profit from that which makes us sick, ruins our water, destroys our air, poisons our food chain should be taxed through the roof.
They have always had control of our Congress so no real laws have pulled them back in line and the dirty energy sector and the dirty food sector and the health hazards they instigate are destroying our Country, quality of life and our health.
Tax their brains out - they hide behind Corporate Personhood so the actual decision makers aren't held accountable - Superfund sites don't get cleaned up so tax their brains out.
They expect our military to secure foreign oil fields for them - so tax their brains out.
Give the subsidies to the clean energy sector. Wake up America - for the powers that be the only thing they understand is profit, money and greed. Hit them where it hurts and tax their ill behaving, greedy, whoring, short term thinking, could care less brains out!
I'm an American and I approve this plan!
Paul Burke
Author-Journey Home
They have always had control of our Congress so no real laws have pulled them back in line and the dirty energy sector and the dirty food sector and the health hazards they instigate are destroying our Country, quality of life and our health.
Tax their brains out - they hide behind Corporate Personhood so the actual decision makers aren't held accountable - Superfund sites don't get cleaned up so tax their brains out.
They expect our military to secure foreign oil fields for them - so tax their brains out.
Give the subsidies to the clean energy sector. Wake up America - for the powers that be the only thing they understand is profit, money and greed. Hit them where it hurts and tax their ill behaving, greedy, whoring, short term thinking, could care less brains out!
I'm an American and I approve this plan!
Paul Burke
Author-Journey Home
Monday, January 25, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Freak Out, Kill the Bill, and Vote Republican Stupid!!!!!!!!

I'm not in the whole reactionary, frustrated kill the bill vote for Republicans group. I think there have probably been some good fixes in conference and I am looking forward to this healthcare bill going into law.
A strong supporter of the public option it was whittled down to nothing. However I do like the national exchanges. The Dems by letting the Senate get out of hand could loose their seat in Mass. That would be something else to hang around Lieberman's neck.
He of course loving to grab center stage forgot to look at the big picture. The public option was nothing at that point but he made a big stink about it and here we are with voter fatigue, and anger at the sheer stubbornness of those politicians who are completely sold out to the status quo.
All that being said if this bill brings down cost for the middle class and says to the 1% uber wealthy - you need to contribute to the well being of this Country that has been so good to you - with its military, infrastructure and system of laws, and this bill makes them contribute their fair share - based on the giveaways they have enjoyed the past decade then I can support this bill.
The bottom line is that there is wide agreement across a broad market sector of the public, doctors, and business that the monopolies the insurance companies currently enjoy have abused our economy for decades and are crippling our current economy.
In a Country based on a system of checks and balances there are none for the Insurance Industry. If this healthcare bill corrects that I'm all for it and if you claim to be a free market political animal you will want those checks and balances restored as well.
Rolling back the anti-trust exemption and putting the power of the people onto the bargaining table not chopped up into 50 little pieces but through a "national" exchange is one way to do that.
Better times are on the way and more money in our 'national" pockets will make for a better more vibrant market and Country that can better compete globally. The 1% getting richer and richer and richer and being the only ones benefiting from our laws is killing the U.S.A.
That we might help single working mothers and those less fortunate than ourselves is the real mandate from above. It will be a better world for all when we all start doing the right thing....right Joe
Paul Burke
Author-Journey Home
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Who Cares About the Country?

Now the right is crying about subsidies, tax breaks and incentives to promote the clean energy market. I mean how Un-American not to support research and development. But the game has always been to eliminate the competition. God-Forbid we move to a clean energy economy. Obviously that's in the general public's best interest. But for those crying about subsidies and tax incentives for the Clean Energy sector I would like to point out one thing:
Sorry for the caps but those with a political axe to grind are disingenuous at best. The moderates in the middle (that's the majority) know we don't have to raise taxes. All we have to do is say to those market sectors already receiving billions of tax payer dollars - you are loosing 15% and divert that money to the new clean energy sector.
For the far right they need to consult with the Pentagon - the largest solar thermal arrays are on Nellis Air force Base....WHY? BECAUSE ITS A NATIONAL SECURITY ISSUE. Sorry for the Caps, but the facts are well understood by those in charge. We are hugely vulnerable until we gain energy independence.
Another point - there is an abundance of energy - the dirty energy sector would like you to think its finite and that we must invade other countries or prop up dictators to keep the oil coming in from overseas. The net result of those attitudes and actions have given rise to Al Queda, and the needless bloodshed of our own and of innocent citizens world wide.

But physics teaches us that we are a wash in energy. We haven't learned how to convert it except by burning (coal, oil, uranium, gas) - there are plans (even the oil companies are working on) to promote algae as a combustible energy source.
The point is as long as we stay wedded to the past through fear and complacency, and the strength of the status quo fiercely protecting their unscrupulous business models, there's nothing ethical about monopolies or invading other countries, then we delay the future.
So if you are going to cry about subsidies - eliminate them all - if not - then I would say redirecting 15% of our tax dollars to these new emerging markets is more than reasonable and to spur on research and development is a wise choice.
Look Washington D.C. is just a huge distribution center. The money comes in from taxes. The powers that be squabble like stuffed pigs over that huge pot of gold and to rig the laws in their favor. That's our system for better or worse.
Play politics all day long if you want but there is serious work to be done by serious people with serious issues. All the other stuff is window dressing to manipulate the popular vote, to divide and conquer and to stay in power.
One other point as we transition from a dirty energy smoke stack energy sector based on last century technologies - people will have to transition out of those jobs. Maybe they will become doctors, nurses or green tech engineers, maybe they will update the grid and run the transmission lines. The day and age where you had one job for your entire life ended decades ago. It forces people to continue with education. If you are a survivor you will figure it out.
The United States is already behind the curve in regards to this emerging market. China, India and Western Europe are leading the way. It would be wise to divert our tax dollars away from the antiquated technologies of the past and into the future. But if you are the Status Quo or stock holder you will fight kicking and screaming and we will have to drag you into the future.
It's UN-American that the Status quo is so selfish when they ask our sons and daughters to die to prop up their business models, but in the end you can't stop progress.
Paul Burke
Author-Journey Home
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Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Health Care, Choice and Single Issue Voters

Single issue voters are killing cooperation. If your religion teaches you abortion is wrong you are free not to get one. Religion is a belief it is not a fact other people, other cultures have different beliefs, and there are those who hold self - determination higher than any religion, government, or giving into an unplanned situation pregnancy or otherwise. Some even think that a molecule smaller than a thumbnail isn't a human being at all and that the soul doesn't fully enter into the human being until well after birth. These are beliefs not facts. In order to "GOVERN" a huge country with so many different people each one with their slightly different perspective on life based on their own personal experience the government needs to ensure that all people are free to self determination.
No one sets out to have an abortion, but the circumstance one finds oneself in may make it the most sensible decision. You don't compound a bad decision by making another one. Unwanted children fill our jails and streets, face abuse and prostitution, starvation and the lack of love. We have been given brains, and free will to "MANAGE" our life and our world. We are not supposed to passively shrug our shoulders and go oh well about anything AND we are to learn from our mistakes.
Making abortion illegal will only send our daughters into unsafe alleyways, and unscrupulous hands. Women have for centuries had abortions. That is a "fact" of life. Outlawing it won't stop it. Has prohibition on anything ever done anything but give rise to violence, opportunists, and lawlessness?
The only christian thing to do is provide and care, nurture and EDUCATE our children about birth control so they don't end up in that situation and confronted with that unwanted choice. Carrying a baby to full term and giving it away after the mother and child bond has been cemented over 9 months and through birthing is more cruel than preventing it from happening in the first place. Giving birth to a disabled child is a kin to placing the soul in a jail unable to express itself malfunctioning, and with a sick body filled with pain. Compassion is a great thing and comes in many forms. Unhinged frenzy in the name of undeveloped cells pales in comparison to turning a blind eye to all the cruelties that already exist in the world, being whipped into a violent frenzy over politics, forcing your beliefs on other people, not caring about the children of Darfur, or the killing of doctors.
For the record not every sperm is sacred its a function of microbiology that "may" lead to Hitler or Gandhi. Its all about the Choices we make - Choice is what creation has given us, and Choice should be protected.
You are free to disagree of course and isn't that wonderful and personal. The Choice is yours and that may be the way God planned it...or to put it another way butt out it's none of your business.
Paul Burke
Monday, January 11, 2010
Stop The Junk Mail

We have to consume less. That's the bottom line. We have to figure out how to convert the abundant energy resources around us instead of relying on 100 year old technologies that continue to pollute the planet. Nuclear power is a cancer waiting to happen for those who work and live around the plants. Nuclear waste is a disaster of epic proportions with no safe way of storing or recycling the waste.
What can I do as an individual to help. Besides being involved in movement politics your spending habits can be altered, your investment habits can be altered and you can control your own household and lifestyle. Changing a few light bulbs is good but did you know you can stop your junk mail? The amount of carbon released into the air will be curtailed and the destruction of trees will be reduced. Take the time to make these slight changes and encourage everyone you meet they do make a difference.
So if YOU are ready to make that difference and YOU are sick of junk mail and sick of tearing down forests for paper, transporting that paper to your mail box, and throwing that paper in the trash - in other words cutting down the forests to put in the trash cans - then Stop YOUR Junk Mail Here!
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Paul Burke
Author-Journey Home
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