My dog is worried about the economy because Alpo is up to $3.00 a can. That's almost $21.00 in dog money.
~ Joe Weinstein
Activist, Author, Musician and Radio Personality Paul Burke DiMarco is the author of "Journey Home" by Paul Burke. "Dear Mom - Letters to Heaven" is his second book. PBDBooks and Music will also feature live rebroadcasts of his solo acoustic performances.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
A Closing of the Conservative Mind
From the NY Times article I read today discussing David Frum and the American Enterprise Institute - the conservative "think tank" he was fired from because he publicly lamented the party of no strategy and the permanent Klu Klux Klanning of the Republican party - the following quote from the article laments "...a closing of the conservative mind."
My response:
By definition a conservative has a closed mind so where is the big surprise here - they charmed their way in with aww shucks Regan and ruled against precedent to shoe horn Bush "W" in with a supreme court ruling that in and of itself said - don't ever reference this ruling again.
They had their big moment (several decades)and put their theories into place.
The end result is that they undid thoughtful regulation, got their precious tax cuts, and went out on international reckless cowboy adventurism the first chance they got - and destroyed - I repeat destroyed the economy and the middle class.
If they had maybe shared the tax cut with the middle class and small business they wouldn't have been so bad off but not understanding or forgetting rather the impact of macro-economics, economies of scale, and factors of magnitude they protected, enhanced and incentivised only the few 1% of the actual popultaion.
Nothing trickled down except stagnant wages and human nature was again proven to be its own worst enemy as everything was hoarded at the top and jobs were moved to cheaper labor markets. They didn't pull the rest of the world up as they lavishly envisioned but dragged America down. Their irrational exuberance to dogma as opposed to common sense practicality destroyed and continues to destroy them as a political party.
That they dragged the whole country down with them and put real hard working, educated and honest families out on the street is the crime.
Because in the end it was all about power - the power to go into Iraq and secure the oil fields, the power to manipulate the media by actually owning it, the power of consolidation of industries including the insurance industry, big oil, telecommunications and big finance chocking off competition and creating too big to fail.
A closed conservative mind and their is no other - rejects diversity - while a liberal mind embraces it - a healthy nurtured diversity is the life blood of co-existence and the life blood of the markets. Greed, power and ego will always be the three heads of the apocalypse. Consolidation defeats competition and promotes monopolies but kills the market like incest kills everything - so in the end it is no good to anyone.
If it was about governing instead of power and swinging as much capital, pork and benefits to their friends the Conservatives "might" have a chance of being good stewards of our democracy. But even still as long as they think capitalism and democracy are the same thing they are doomed to fail - just like the unfettered, unregulated, bubble economies they literally worship.
I recommend taking the evangelicalism out of political and economic theory and getting back to the brass tacks that have actually proven to work, and governing instead of ruling.
Paul Burke
Author- Journey Home
My response:
By definition a conservative has a closed mind so where is the big surprise here - they charmed their way in with aww shucks Regan and ruled against precedent to shoe horn Bush "W" in with a supreme court ruling that in and of itself said - don't ever reference this ruling again.
They had their big moment (several decades)and put their theories into place.
The end result is that they undid thoughtful regulation, got their precious tax cuts, and went out on international reckless cowboy adventurism the first chance they got - and destroyed - I repeat destroyed the economy and the middle class.
If they had maybe shared the tax cut with the middle class and small business they wouldn't have been so bad off but not understanding or forgetting rather the impact of macro-economics, economies of scale, and factors of magnitude they protected, enhanced and incentivised only the few 1% of the actual popultaion.
Nothing trickled down except stagnant wages and human nature was again proven to be its own worst enemy as everything was hoarded at the top and jobs were moved to cheaper labor markets. They didn't pull the rest of the world up as they lavishly envisioned but dragged America down. Their irrational exuberance to dogma as opposed to common sense practicality destroyed and continues to destroy them as a political party.
That they dragged the whole country down with them and put real hard working, educated and honest families out on the street is the crime.
Because in the end it was all about power - the power to go into Iraq and secure the oil fields, the power to manipulate the media by actually owning it, the power of consolidation of industries including the insurance industry, big oil, telecommunications and big finance chocking off competition and creating too big to fail.
A closed conservative mind and their is no other - rejects diversity - while a liberal mind embraces it - a healthy nurtured diversity is the life blood of co-existence and the life blood of the markets. Greed, power and ego will always be the three heads of the apocalypse. Consolidation defeats competition and promotes monopolies but kills the market like incest kills everything - so in the end it is no good to anyone.
If it was about governing instead of power and swinging as much capital, pork and benefits to their friends the Conservatives "might" have a chance of being good stewards of our democracy. But even still as long as they think capitalism and democracy are the same thing they are doomed to fail - just like the unfettered, unregulated, bubble economies they literally worship.
I recommend taking the evangelicalism out of political and economic theory and getting back to the brass tacks that have actually proven to work, and governing instead of ruling.
Paul Burke
Author- Journey Home
Sunday, March 28, 2010
WILDLIFE CONSERVATION REPORT CARD reviews both House and Senate votes on key conservation issues, providing a clear assessment of how well members of Congress are doing to protect wildlife and wild lands for future generations
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
What's Up Doc - Movie Review

I just saw this movie last night. The fact that I'm already posting something about this should tell you how much it was enjoyed. Originally released when I was a kid back in the 70's I might have tuned in for some of the mad cap scenes, but now sitting down as an adult well I think it was the mad cap scenes I still love. Actually the whole movie is goofball comedy. If you like 30 Rock you'll get a bang out of this. Having worked with researchers I howled at their portrayal in this wonderful farce.
Peter Bogdanovich out did himself. Buck Henry is the screen writer so you know you are getting fast paced dialogue and bananas type scenarios. Barbara Streisand plays it beautifully. I'm not a huge fan of Barbara's at all. The woman can flat out sing and I'm more a fan of her politics than her pictures. But I'm going to have to check that because she was fantastic.
The movie's a hoot there's a whole host of character actors you will recognize even if you do not know their names. And Ryan O'Neil and Madeline Kahn are just fun to watch in their off beat roles. Although for Madeline I'm not sure she ever toned it down for any of her movies.
Funny, silly, lighthearted, researchers competing for grant money, chase scenes and surprise entrances, classic mix ups, and fast delivery all the elements are here for an updated Marx Brothers movie. I guffawed at the slapstick timing and shots. This movie is a welcome relief from the overwrought, over the top, banal the industry keeps churning out year after year.
Classic, Classic Movie!
Add it to your Net Flix Queue - a five star recommendation!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
82 percent of Americans want the government to clamp down more strongly on Wall Street excesses,
Wall Street Bonuses Said to Rise 17% in 2009
The comment section at this link is telling -
The comment section at this link is telling -
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
The Sanctity of Life

I heard back from one of my twit delegates. Apparently I spoke up about our State House of Delegates switching funding from a license plate dedicated to Planned Parenthood who solicited and got the License Plate approved for their non-profit to another unrelated group. That's right they just arbitrarily diverted the funds. You can get the whole backwater politics scandal from the local paper in the link above.
The delegate wrote to me in highbrow language about the "sanctity of life" his words. I could almost see his Sunday robes flowing. Look in this country you are free to believe what you want to believe and worship whatever and whenever you want if at all.
That "believers" of a religion any religion quote their attitudes as if they are scientific fact is harrowing. Religion is myth and guess what I believe in some of those myths.

Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
However I don't need a "story" about a guy walking on water to convince me this world is special and the Earth and all that is in it should be revered. I didn't put all this here, and whatever did has got some serious chops.
All that being said the "believers" of whatever myth religion they choose run around and quote their particular myth system as if it is science a.k.a. knowable fact.
Religion is not science and religion makes a lousy system for governing. A one size fits all world we are not.
Governing needs to be done from a practical point of view. Reality has to be dealt with realistically. Well meaning myth related responses to actual civic problems sometimes make the situation on the ground worse.
And in case you didn't notice we are on the ground, on a planet and our collective behavior of greed, war, and lawlessness doesn't exactly reflect the myth of heaven.

Man is the problem and continues to be. So what did I tell this pin head who had the audacity to claim the moral high ground because he believes in a myth based dogma of contradictory legends. Has anybody actually read the Bible?
It's not all bunny rabbits and butterfly's. I told this kool-aid swallowing political office seeker that his phrase "sanctity of life" was a religious view.
That he probably supported the death penalty and supported shooting wolves from helicopters (so much for the sanctity of life). That he probably underfunded education and didn't hold polluters accountable (so much for the sanctity of life), that he didn't support health care for all, and supported a lawless market system that ripped of grandmas retirement money (so much for the sanctity of life), that he probably supported resource wars in Iraq, and didn't think twice about the innocent civilians blasted to smithereens by our military presence both bases and men in their countries(so much for the santity of life).

I called this twit out on being a hypocrite and that his religion would look the other way if his teenage daughter got pregnant or his 50 year old wife.
I told him Freedom of Choice is an American Value born through wars and the fight for Independence. That a Theocracy State and how he governed equaled Tehran. That a secular state equals America.
I told him that he should govern in a secular fashion and to try being practical and recognize teenagers get pregnant, and that teenagers make lousy parents, and lousy parents make lousy citizens who might end up on death row - at which time then it is okay to kill them in his world view.
I told him families should be planned and that god the creator whatever you want to call the unknown creative force that put all of everything here in front of our eyes also gave us brains to make choices, suffering for consequences, elation for joy, and free will to exercise.
We are not zombies switching off our brains and just to obey some specious, mythical, story telling, and submit willing to and fund other men dressed up as if they are somehow not just men in robes lighting candles.
Self appointed communicators with god are heretics in the truest sense of the word. God speaks to everyone. Its called your conscience.
I told him he doesn't have the moral high ground that he thinks he has and until he practices the golden rule - do unto others as you would have them do unto you (or your panicked, distraught, teenage daughter) then he doesn't have a clue. And that it would be best if he didn't try to legislate his religious myth based hypocrisy onto the whole entire fabric of our State let alone Country. Unless of course he wants armed insurrection because that is always what happens when you enslave men in chains of theocracy or steel.
People do not want to be told what to do by the State. They want the State to protect them from people who would dictate to everyone.
And from planned parenthood who makes room for everyone's "beliefs" to provide safe and accurate care and information so that each individual can make an informed choice based on their own beliefs, circumstances, needs, desires, judgment and situation(s) as varied as the wind:
"Our mission is to ensure that individuals and families have the freedom, information, and ability to make their own informed reproductive choices. We believe that each individual has a basic right to control his/her reproductive life. Individual control will lead to a better quality of life and stronger families and communities. Reproductive health decisions must be voluntary and private".
Now that's what I call the sanctity of "LIFE" - my fine fellow delegate should be so wise of an American.
I often thought that before they get sworn in no matter local, state or federal that all politicians go through an american history and civics class where they are required to actually read the Federalist Papers. Maybe then they won't be so easily corrupted and given over to ideas and political footballs just to get elected.
Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Adams, and Hamilton try to remember those guys when governing.
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Saturday, March 06, 2010
Friday, March 05, 2010
Health Care Reform is Easy

The republicans have used reconciliation on health care before plenty of times - heck they created the whole CHIP program - via reconciliation. Dear lord stop swallowing the kool-aid - this isn't a sporting event my side versus your side (do you think the status quo might be aware of the concept of divide and conquer - don't be such dupes)
People, people, people - this is about getting our dollars back from the richest 1% that hoard them at the top (there is no such thing as trickle down) or For Profit insurance wouldn't be killing the middle class, driving people with health insurance into bankruptcy, and tying a dead weight around small business and even the bigger national corporations - this has to get done - our politicians are playing games to get elected....
they are not "governing" but manipulating voter sentiment to whip up turn out to try and win elections - not based on any specific philosophy of governing but for plain old self interest.
Actual governing takes a huge back seat to "will I get re-elected" - the easiest way to solve the health care debacle of for profit health care is simple - but handing a success to the other party - isn't how the political "game" is played.
Unfortunately our lives are caught in the cross fire of their STUPID GAME. And because of game playing we deregulated everything and created the global financial meltdown - ooppps - maybe proper management would have prevented that - but politics has never been about properly managing our resources - its about GETTING RE-ELECTED.
Healthcare is easy - here's how -
“Use Senate reconciliation and expand Medicare via the Senate’s buy-in provisions. The CBO has already signed off on this as a means of saving money.
More importantly, if more Americans can do a buy-in with Medicare, it creates more cost control (because there’s a genuine competitor to for-profit healthcare).
It also helps to solve the problems of pre-existing conditions, because Medicare does not deny coverage on this basis.
Allowing a Medicare buy-in to Americans under 65 would give people a genuine alternative to private insurance and thereby render the pre-existing question moot.
It would also lower Medicare costs by expanding the risk pool of patients (the great bulk of medical expenses are accounted for by a small number of people, mostly the elderly, requiring very expensive treatment).
And it would substantially enhance the global competitiveness of American corporations. After all, in what other country in the world is health care a marginal cost of production for business?” - Roosevelt Institute Marshall Auerback
Now get out there tell your neighbors, your friends, pick up the phone and email your representatives - because whether you like it or not we are all in this together - and it's us versus the politicians - not each other.
Paul Burke
Author Journey Home
Democracy For America
Thursday, March 04, 2010
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Hunting as Recreation

There is a lack of reverence for nature by a few. There has to be a mind set change a slight one. The whole romantic idea of rugged individualism the frontiersman hunting his own food, supporting his family and defending his ranch is fine, but when it morphs into hunting as a hobby whether its a wolf or any other animal then it becomes recreation.
And sorry Ted Nugent unless you are eating every last morsel of what you hunt and turning hides into clothing at your for profit ranch ($7500 just to hang out with Ted - really - yep you got the American dream licked all right cha ching $$$!) you are a complete hypocrite. Unless you are eating every morsel Ted, and using every inch of hide and those hunting with you too Mr. Madman you are nothing but a bunch of hot air and hypocrites. There is no rah, rah USA rugged individualism at the benignly named sunrize acres. Just a bunch of yahoos with high powered guns getting their rocks off.
Once it becomes recreation and/or it involves alcohol then it ceases to be rugged individualism and survival of the fittest, and just something to do to pass the time. At that point we all need to recalibrate.
No ones right to recreate trumps sustainability. On another level it would be nice if we all were extremely aware of and realize this world and all of us and everything in it are gods creation. Man created none of this. We are mere residents, tenants subject to our own demise through our own devices whether its commerce, vice or stupidity. Put here by some unknown creative power (ourselves included) we need to pause from learned behavior and see how we are applying that behavior.
I am not an anti culling person. Proper management of ALL our resources will insure long term sustainability not only for our four legged friends but our two legged ones as well.
We need to live in balance with the world as presented to us. It can be done and if done well a sustainable ecosystem leads to a sustainable economy and a sustainable world for all.
Reckless abandonment applied to any habit, hobby, practice, or lifestyle is mind numbingly short sighted. Heck even too much exercise can ruin you, as well as overeating, drinking, and smoking. Too much television can turn your brain to mush and make you a zombie for someone else's ideas and a mark and pawn for the advertising of product and ideas reduced to sound bites. That's not very smart is it to accept everything coming off the tube as gospel, and to invite those crooks and liars into your living room - every night - and to just sit there passively like its a time share presentation. D'oh I'll take two.
Too much hunting has a domino effect, like too much pollution.
Now we don't have enough bees to pollinate? That seems insignificant right bees (ha, ha) those little annoying stingers good riddance right - WRONG - they directly impact our food supply and play a more than vital role in our food chain. They are responsible for the pollination of approximately one third of the United States' crop species, including such species as almonds, peaches, soybeans, apples, pears, cherries, raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, watermelons, cantaloupes, cucumbers and strawberries. Their demise would wreck havoc and be an economic nightmare to our whole economy.
Ignorance is not bliss and being stupid is definitely not cool.
Lack of moderation is making a wreck of the world, our country, our mountains and valleys, our water, our air, our people, and our soil and food.
So as an old friend told me long ago - EVERYTHING IN MODERATION. Those old sayings pack a lot of wisdom and quite frankly if applied across the board even into politics we would all be living a better life in a better world.
Paul Burke
Author-Journey Home
Defender of Wildlife
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Conservative Sen. Lindsey Graham, said "Six months ago, my biggest worry was that an emissions deal would make American business less competitive compared to China. Now my concern is that every day we delay ... is a day China uses to dominate the green economy." China gets it; there is no such thing as clean coal.
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