While the oil still flows in the waters off Australia's Coast - the status quo back home isn't going to give an inch. Anything the progressives want we are going to have to take from them. If we do nothing we'll have oil spills everywhere, mercury to breath, mountains destroyed, the extinction of tuna (that means no more tuna fish sandwiches everyone)and more and more nuclear everything, waste, subsidies and proliferation.
The dirty energy extractors and their profit margins are going to march the economy and our collective, global survival right off the proverbial cliff. They can't stop themselves. They know better but they will try and eliminate any and all competition stifling innovation and any and all competition.
Thank god for Europe. They are a little more sane when it comes to global, environmental and economic survival. They know its a balancing act. Winner takes all, dog eat dog, rugged individualism leads to ruin, pollution, and war.
Those are the facts so we better stay on top of our elected leaders and kick to the curb anyone who stands in our way of a more perfect, equitable and sustainable world.
When we are done with health care we have to fix Energy, Wall Street, Election laws and the Tax Code. This all has to be done or we loose the world to the dirty fuel extractors and their addiction to short term profits. People of vision stay strong and focused our time is NOW!
Here's what the future is bringing - America you are behind the curve....
German Energy Giants Eager for US Green Transformation
Earlier this month, Siemens also announced its plans to acquire solar thermal power company Solel Solar Systems Ltd. of Israel for $418 million. ...
7 Solar Innovators From Israel That Could Fuel Our Planet
Solel is one of Israel's most talked about solar energy companies, up there with brightsource and zenithsolar. Building solar thermal power plants in Spain ...
LEBANON: Solar power helps schools, hospitals
The solution, say many Lebanese environmentalists, is a combination of solar thermal power to heat water, and photovoltaic panels for back-up electricity. ...
The Oil Drum: Australia/New Zealand | Details of Solar Flagships ...
The successful solar thermal project in round 1 will be allowed to include hybrid solar generation combining gas or other types of renewable energy, adding no more than 15 percent of the project's total electricity output. ...
Can Renewable Energy Save The World?
Solar thermal or concentrated solar power concentrates the sun's heat to generate steam and drive a turbine, the usual method of generating electricity. ...
DeSoto desoto Next Generation Solar Energy Center Commissioned
In addition to the desoto plant, FPL is building a 75 MW solar thermal facility in Martin County and a 10 MW solar PV facility on the Space Coast. ...
Solar Electricity Cost Competitive | International Business And ...
Wind energy and hydroelectric power are indirect forms of solar thermal energy. Solar chimneys, solar towers and the vortex engine are among the more recent proposals by which to generate electric power from solar thermal energy. ...
Solar goes retail in Rhode Island with opening of display room
On display are Solar Thermal Energy Storage System components: solar panels, vacuum tube solar collectors, controllers, and storage tanks. ...
National Lab Shows Costs of Solar Moving Toward Grid Parity
For residential customers, installation costs can represent up to half of the cost of installed solar photovoltaic (PV) and solar thermal systems (used to ...