Dear Mom - Letters to Heaven

Friday, August 17, 2007

Shop Girl

Movie review time - I know I'm about ten years too late on this one (actually not that bad) but seriously if it wasn't for NetFlix I wouldn't have a clue. I saw Claire Danes with Leo in a remake of Romeo and Juliet. Watching that movie I realized that she has this quiet dignity that really shines on screen. I like Claire quite a bit and also respect that she's not fodder for the Tabloids. Poor Britney what a mess and Lindsey Lohan's Mom should be beaten for what she has done to her child. Okay back to Shop Girl. Years ago Steve Martin produced a play and I ran to the Ford theater to see it in Washington D. C. "Picasso at the Lapin Agile". I loved it! The triple threat to Shop Girl is Jason Schwartzman. I have to believe Bill Murray told Steve to work with this guy and I loved Jason in Rushmore.

What possibly could go wrong with this cast. Nothing. If you haven't seen Shop Girl grab your significant other and rent this movie. I would even say it's worthy of a buy for your home collection. The story has depth and lightness and Claire carries the whole thing off with aplomb.

Four Stars - for intelligence, thoughtfulness and laughs. Much like the Gilda and Steve dance number from way back when on SNL. Mr. Martin has always infused his work with a poignant, bitter sweet quality with laughs to spare. Shop Girl tones the guffaws down quite a bit but there are still some light hearted moments. Above all else a real human chord is struck throughout the movie. So ignore the cheesy DVD cover and delve into this one.

Enjoy and let me know what you think,


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