Dear Mom - Letters to Heaven

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Tom Petty - Live Anthology Review

The Live Anthology 4 disc set is better than you think it is if you haven't heard it yet. Long travel times over the holiday afforded me the opportunity to listen to the whole monstrous set back to back while churning up the asphalt. Didn't Tom say something about driving music? You know you have something good when you quickly change discs at 75 mph.

The set comprises a lot of west coast shows, Gainsville of course and London. There are outliers like a track from the Spectrum in Philadelphia from 1980. Whaaaa?

Very cool liner notes from T.P. himself are heartfelt and warming. He writes in a conversational tone right to you so if feels personal. Thank you Tom. Me too!

The sequencing is excellent. I had not listened to the whole album in its entirety before and was nervous that too much of a good thing back to back to back would wear out my enthusiasm. Wrong! More than wrong!.

The sequencing is spot on and with a deep listen you can gather up why Tom might have selected the track he did in regards to the quality of his voice perhaps on one cut or the dynamics of the crowd singalong or the veracity and ferociousness of the band.

If you haven't this is a must for your collection.

We miss you Tom but thank you for rocking our world all of it on the big stage, in our homes, patios, bars and cars!

I hope his catalogue and what ever is in the vault is Handled with Care. For now what is already out there is phenomenal enough to last a lifetime.

My only advise - carry on in his spirit with his laconic sense of humor, his true to himself righteousness, his sardonic wit and his virtuous heart.


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