Happiness is love of something outside of self! It may never be obtained, may never be known by loving only things within self or self's own domain!
Edgar Cayce Reading 281-30
Activist, Author, Musician and Radio Personality Paul Burke DiMarco is the author of "Journey Home" by Paul Burke. "Dear Mom - Letters to Heaven" is his second book. PBDBooks and Music will also feature live rebroadcasts of his solo acoustic performances.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Rupert "Fox News" Murdoch is in meltdown mode. Three of his aides face sanctions from Parliament for lying, another has been charged by UK prosecutors with "conspiracy to pervert the course of justice," and Murdoch himself is accused of having instructed then-Prime Minister Tony Blair to block the phone-hacking investigation.
Buzzfeed reports that dozens of patriotic Americans are vowing to flee to Canada – with it's tax-payer funded universal health-care system because “the United States is entirely too socialist.” At the time of this writing, there are no reports yet of Canadian authorities moving to shut down their Southern border.
Despite the media's intense focus on the mandate, it never represented a terribly onerous burden on those who refused to carry health insurance – the penalty, after all, was pretty small and many poorer Americans were exempted from the requirement (according to the Congressional Budget Office, the mandate will impact only 16 percent of Americans).
BBC News - Syria unrest: Explosions rock Damascus court complex
BBC News - Syria unrest: Explosions rock Damascus court complex
Whats that old story about the hens coming home to roost? After decades of giving safe haven to terrorist organizations - scratch that - lets just call them political organizations who chose rather than to promote their causes peacefully but rather with violence; suicide bombers, rocket launches, stone throwing, intolerant inflamed rhetoric, hostage taking, and road side detonations claiming scores upon scores of innocent civilians as their actual targets - Syria is now exploding internally. Small wonder - you reap what you sow.
Whats that old story about the hens coming home to roost? After decades of giving safe haven to terrorist organizations - scratch that - lets just call them political organizations who chose rather than to promote their causes peacefully but rather with violence; suicide bombers, rocket launches, stone throwing, intolerant inflamed rhetoric, hostage taking, and road side detonations claiming scores upon scores of innocent civilians as their actual targets - Syria is now exploding internally. Small wonder - you reap what you sow.
BBC News - Turkey sends anti-aircraft guns to Syrian border
Whats that old story about the hens coming home to roost? After decades of giving safe haven to terrorist organizations - scratch that - lets just call them political organizations who chose rather than to promote their causes peacefully but rather with violence; suicide bombers, rocket launches, stone throwing, intolerant inflamed rhetoric, hostage taking, and road side detonations claiming scores upon scores of innocent civilians as their actual targets - Syria is now exploding internally. Small wonder - you reap what you sow.
BBC News - Turkey sends anti-aircraft guns to Syrian border:
BBC News - Turkey sends anti-aircraft guns to Syrian border:
BBC News - Big increase in Scottish renewables output
BBC News - Big increase in Scottish renewables output: Scotland's renewable energy output increased by 45% in the first quarter of this year, compared with the same period last year.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
News Corp "Warned" Lib Dems over BSkyB bid'
This is the power they wield over politicians - we can fix this problem by ignoring, abandoning and not subscribing to anything Murdoch or Roger Ailes is associated with - follow the money and know your news sources - mostly corporate they don't represent the people but rather they represent their owners and financiers and represent very narrow corporate interest - blow them off - I don't even watch Fox Sports - and dropped the Simpsons
BBC News - News Corp 'warned Lib Dems over BSkyB bid'
BBC News - News Corp 'warned Lib Dems over BSkyB bid'
Monday, June 25, 2012
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Last Century Republicans Obstructionists of the Future
I've owned businesses you
want to lower your overhead as far as possible. Doesn't the wind blow
in the mountains doesn't the sun shine there as well? The status quo
is wedded to a hundred year old technology and will continue to make
money on it unless new technologies are developed.
The problem is that their dirty technology is not only giving people cancer but giving people asthma downwind. That affects our national bottom line/productivity and inflates our health care cost as well as the acidification of the oceans killing our food chain.
It is the exact role and purpose of government to manage and mitigate our national economy when its not working for everyone - why you may ask - because that's the difference between a civilized nation and Somalia or Syria and don't doubt that for a second.
If you were a patriot you would care about your country and your neighbors.
You live in a fantasy world if you think deregulation means anything other than unlawful behavior.
Our corporate CEO's aren't benevolent Christians bestowing generosity upon us - they are business men plain and simple focused on their own bottom line.
We would get nothing not one residual penny from them for our labor and resources if they could arrange it so and they never stop trying to arrange it that way 24/7.
Like it or not the democratic party is the only friend you have unless your net worth is a billion a year. And you better wise up to that pretty fast.
For the record the Obama-Gore vision is the vision of the majority of the people but for the republican obstructionist representing the old ways we would be well on our way to achieving that vision. But some so called patriots prefer giving our tax dollars away in the form of "subsidies" to the already profitable oil industry. That's just plain mismanagement and something for real to be mad at the government about.
The problem is that their dirty technology is not only giving people cancer but giving people asthma downwind. That affects our national bottom line/productivity and inflates our health care cost as well as the acidification of the oceans killing our food chain.
It is the exact role and purpose of government to manage and mitigate our national economy when its not working for everyone - why you may ask - because that's the difference between a civilized nation and Somalia or Syria and don't doubt that for a second.
If you were a patriot you would care about your country and your neighbors.
You live in a fantasy world if you think deregulation means anything other than unlawful behavior.
Our corporate CEO's aren't benevolent Christians bestowing generosity upon us - they are business men plain and simple focused on their own bottom line.
We would get nothing not one residual penny from them for our labor and resources if they could arrange it so and they never stop trying to arrange it that way 24/7.
Like it or not the democratic party is the only friend you have unless your net worth is a billion a year. And you better wise up to that pretty fast.
For the record the Obama-Gore vision is the vision of the majority of the people but for the republican obstructionist representing the old ways we would be well on our way to achieving that vision. But some so called patriots prefer giving our tax dollars away in the form of "subsidies" to the already profitable oil industry. That's just plain mismanagement and something for real to be mad at the government about.
"I think God made me blind to humble me. I think the handicap made me realize I have to depend on others. It mellowed me out, especially in my older years. There was a time when I had a persecution complex because of the handicap...when I was much younger. That is one of the things I have looked back at in later years. But what brought me out of feeling sorry for myself was life itself - and realizing that I loved somebody I was responsible to and who needed me. Life is the best teacher of all." Doc Watson
"Visually handicapped people create this box of safety around them and remain aware of everything in that box. This has helped me become more aware of my surroundings. In many ways they are more aware than those of us who can see. Sometime sight gets in the way of seeing." T. Michael Coleman on Doc Watson
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Student Loan Forgiveness Act of 2012 close to a million signatures please sign! http://ping.fm/ilexb
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Monday, June 11, 2012
Think on This...
Then the awareness in patience, for this entity, is to become more and more aware of thy relationship to the Creative Forces. Do not grow anxious because those about thee deny thy faith. Only live it and be it; not in finding fault with others, not in condemning others.
Edgar Cayce
Reading 3459-1
Then the awareness in patience, for this entity, is to become more and more aware of thy relationship to the Creative Forces. Do not grow anxious because those about thee deny thy faith. Only live it and be it; not in finding fault with others, not in condemning others.
Edgar Cayce
Reading 3459-1
Friday, June 08, 2012
Thursday, June 07, 2012
And for the rich, the past 11 years has been one long party. According to the Paris School of Economics, the top 1% in America saw their share of national income increase by more than 13% from 2001 to 2010. The top 0.1% saw their share of income increase by 20%. The top 0.01% saw their share of income explode by more than 37%, from 2.4% of all of the income in America to 3.3%.
Bush claimed (as right-wingers always do) that tax breaks for the rich would create jobs in the private sector. Well, they haven't. There were 110 million private sector jobs in America in 2001. There are 110 million private sector jobs in America today. Despite a population increase of more than 25 million
Wednesday, June 06, 2012
Tuesday, June 05, 2012
Doc Watson We Say Goodbye For Now
It's like losing Mark Twain is how I try to explain it to
the uninformed. It's like losing a
family member is how I express it to all of you. I am in mourning.
I was a lucky little kid taking guitar lessons from David
Stark who along with an older brother turned me onto Doc Watson in 1973/1974 -
I was even luckier to see him for the first time at the Main Point that
winter. I remember standing on ice
covered sidewalks and sitting in a lovely little coffee house that held a
hundred people tops. We slid into our
seats and Merle lead Doc in by the arm.
It was biblical and I hung on every note. I also got to see him play in a ridiculous
little sea side bar in NJ with maybe twenty people in the mid eighties. I was soooo excited to be so close and have a
beer as he, Merle, and Michael did a full show.
It was stunning to me that the place wasn't packed but the 1980's were a
silly musical decade not with out its virtues and haircuts.
However, my fondest recollection took all of three minutes
as I crossed behind the stage at the Culppeper Festival (1986) on the way to
the port a john - and there he was behind a little riser waiting by the steps all
by himself tuning up. No handler no one
hovering just me and a friend walking by on gravel. He certainly heard us going by (that’s horse
footing gravel that aint train) and I waited until he tuned the string he was
working on then without breaking stride spoke the unplanned words of "God
Bless You Doc" came tumbling out of my mouth.
I was humbled by his single solitary presence, blind, but standing
tall, calm but getting ready to play, alone but hundreds waiting for him. Two more steps by me and I received the most surprising,
unexpected response spoken clear as a bell in that voice that is uniquely his “thank you - god bless you.” I could write for pages and not get close to
what came across in those few moments but I’ll try.
I will never forget the time of day, the bright afternoon sunlight, the sound of his voice, he had a vest on, the big huge horse farm we were on – neither of us stopping what we were doing - his solitary appearance – how startled I was to just see him appear and how I reeled in every urge to stop and stare, hover, speak, exclaim, trumpet and noticed he was tuning and let the man be knowing how much trouble that B string gives me.
It was startling that no one and I mean no one was around. I think he knew I waited to say something until he was finished tuning – and respected that and that we didn’t break stride or invade his personal space. We both heard in the timber of each others voice respect and I didn’t feel the need for anything else. Amazed that I was good to go so to speak I didn’t need to press for details. What more could we say to each other? What was going to top that and really mean anything? How can someone one amaze you in such a short second – its not what you say but how you say it – It was a moment for me and one that will live on forever. It’s as clear as the crescent moon and solitary planet that hung over the Blue Ridge as we left the festival the following fall night.
I will never forget the time of day, the bright afternoon sunlight, the sound of his voice, he had a vest on, the big huge horse farm we were on – neither of us stopping what we were doing - his solitary appearance – how startled I was to just see him appear and how I reeled in every urge to stop and stare, hover, speak, exclaim, trumpet and noticed he was tuning and let the man be knowing how much trouble that B string gives me.
It was startling that no one and I mean no one was around. I think he knew I waited to say something until he was finished tuning – and respected that and that we didn’t break stride or invade his personal space. We both heard in the timber of each others voice respect and I didn’t feel the need for anything else. Amazed that I was good to go so to speak I didn’t need to press for details. What more could we say to each other? What was going to top that and really mean anything? How can someone one amaze you in such a short second – its not what you say but how you say it – It was a moment for me and one that will live on forever. It’s as clear as the crescent moon and solitary planet that hung over the Blue Ridge as we left the festival the following fall night.
What a spectacular time it was with John Hartford, New Grass
Revival, Arlo Guthrie and The Seldom Scene.
I did to Sam Bush what I didn’t do to Doc – LOL. John Hartford was a sweetheart.

Paul Burke
Author-Journey Home
Monday, June 04, 2012
Despite Romney’s professed expertise in creating jobs, Massachusetts ranked 47th in job growth during his time as governor. The state’s total job growth was just 0.9 percent, well behind other high-wage, high-skill economies in New York (2.7), California (4.7), and North Carolina (7.6). The national average, meanwhile, was better than 5 percent.
Friday, June 01, 2012
Syngenta settles, but atrazine Kool-Aid still strong | Pesticide Action Network
Syngenta settles, but atrazine Kool-Aid still strong | Pesticide Action Network: Syngenta, for its part, still won't admit that the chemical is of concern despite handing over a hundred million dollars to make the lawsuit go away. And broken pesticide and agricultural policy keeps the chemical on the market, leaving farmers with precious few alternatives.
Take Action » Join us to build the groundswell needed right now to shine the light on the science on cancer and atrazine to fix what's broken in our nation's capitol and move us toward keeping chemical corporate feet to the fire — rather than their fingers pulling the strings.
Take Action » Join us to build the groundswell needed right now to shine the light on the science on cancer and atrazine to fix what's broken in our nation's capitol and move us toward keeping chemical corporate feet to the fire — rather than their fingers pulling the strings.
Rethinking risk | Pesticide Action Network
Rethinking risk | Pesticide Action Network: But earlier this month a provocative Environmental Health Perspectives article argued that a "population approach" might be wiser — meaning that even when a health effect is not severe, if it's affecting a huge number of our children (think dropping IQs), we should be paying attention.
Soil health matters — a lot! | Pesticide Action Network
Soil health matters — a lot! | Pesticide Action Network: As the Senate is poised to vote on the 2012 Food and Farm bill, we're working with our partners in the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC) to fight for those programs that best protect vital soil resources — and you can help.
20 yrs later, the Biotech Brigade marches on…. | Pesticide Action Network
20 yrs later, the Biotech Brigade marches on…. | Pesticide Action Network: After 30 years of publicly subsidized research and 14 years of commercialization, agricultural biotechnology — despite its aggressive promotion by the Biotech Brigade, and facing precious few of those “unnecessary regulations” — has failed to deliver its promises of higher yields for U.S. farmers, or drought-resistance for developing country farmers.
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