Dear Mom - Letters to Heaven

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Edgar Cayce

I've got to get back in the swing of things and I'm sure most of you think me quite daft for going on about my Sylvia. So as I gear back up I thought Edgar might have some insight.

Think on This ...

It is not the knowledge, then, but what one does with one's abilities, one's opportunities in relationships to others, that makes for the development or retardment of that individual.
For life in its manifestations through which the soul of an entity or body may manifest is purposeful, and that the individual, the soul may find its way through the vicissitudes of experience in materiality, that it may know its God.

Edgar Cayce Reading 1293-1


Anonymous said...

I think I should read this book ...sounds great

Journey Home said...

That would be great let me know what you think and I'll post your comment on the web site!