The glib response to the pork barrel energy bill is atrocious.
It is irresponsible, and gives the impression that our government can sustain itself by deficit spending.
Our government is totally irresponsible.
Our politicians are totally corrupt.
The only way to get their attention is to limit their access to our tax money.
We need an immediate across the board reduction in the payroll tax.
Politicians redistribute our tax money to the cronies that finance their campaigns.
Its quid pro quo - it's corrupt, and it's no different than the system of bribery corporate america complains about when they try and do business in the Soviet Union and the
Middle East.
It's a not too sophisticated form of the same thing.
Look they have been robbing Peter to pay Paul up on Capitol Hill for far too long.
The Democrats actually handed them a surplus which they gave back to their leading campaign donors, and now instead of paying down the debt and getting out from the enormous interest payments they are continuing to flaunt solid economic sense.
If I ran my household the way the government runs theirs I would be out on the street living in a garbage can.
Economic advisors across the board tell you to pay off your credit cards first to get away from the interest payments and bank the savings.
Our government can't do what some retired school teacher does to manage her money.
The only reason there is a social security crisis is because they manufactured one.
Instead of plowing the surplus social security funds back into social security and letting it compound with the interest - they swooped in on the surplus to pay for everything, and anything.
Face it Al Gore was right put social security in a lock box, and don't touch it.
But our politicians who are supposed to represent us don't care about social security.
They have their own different retirement system.
Put the politicians retirement into social security and I guarantee you it will never get touched – surplus and all.
Their lives aren’t affected so they reach into it time and again in total disregard of the public trust and their mandated responsibility to the public at large.
They grab that money and they don't feel any obligation to replenish what they borrowed from our retirements.
Us the people without whom big government couldn't operate we are the last in line behind those that fund the elections.
That's treason, that's a conflict of interest and that’s impeachable, corrupt and immoral.
Any glib broadcast who tries to cast this energy bill as something else has bought the party spin hook line and sinker.
The media should be holding our politicians accountable, and the macroeconomic picture should be illuminated.
The robbing of the Social Security surplus to pay for isolated one time projects is corrupt and a violation of their fiduciary responsibility.
The misappropriation of our tax dollars for private interest, and the buying and selling of our politicians is bankrupting and corrupting our government.
It's fiscally irresponsible to suggest that the economy is better off by having the Chinese finance our enormous debt driven interest payments rather than the government being self sufficient, and putting the tax dollars back into the hands of those who earn it.
Run the government like you run your household.
Pay off the debt, get out from under the interest payments, bank the savings for retirement (social security), and put as much money back into the paychecks of the American workers as possible so they can save and spend as they see fit.
It’s simple more money in the hands of the consumers who earn it would create a national surge in spending and savings, bond issues could then fund these ridiculous bridge projects when the States have a surplus.
No I'm sorry glib assessments that the energy and transportation bills are good for the economy is dead wrong and in support of the misinformation campaign led by the few people who benefit from the passage of these corporate gives aways.
Tax breaks for Exxon/Mobile should have been plowed back into social security used to pay off the interest on our debts or given back to the people in the form of a payroll tax reduction - that's the cure and the only cure for the economy, and it would mean less money for our politicians to give away to their cronies, and less bidding for their favors if they have less money to give away.
George W. Bush spent how many months touring the country to overhaul social security, and when he had the chance to plow money back into the social security system he gave it away to Exxon/Mobile and a bridge for 50 people.
That’s the definition of a traitor.